Invest Locally for Permanent Impact

Our Mission is to Provide Academic Excellence for All Students 
The Woodside High School Foundation is a volunteer-run nonprofit organization whose sole purpose is to raise funds to close the gap between public funding and the cost of a high-quality education. We raise money for academic programming identified by the school administration that will have a significant impact on the quality of education of all the students. 

View the 2024 Annual Report here

Nuestra Misión es Proveer una Excelencia Académica
La Fundación de Woodside High School es una organización sin fines de lucro manejada por voluntarios con el único propósito de recaudar fondos para cerrar la brecha entre los fondos públicos y los costos de una educación de excelencia. La Fundación recauda fondos para programas académicos identificados por la administración del colegio, que podrían impactar en la educación de todos los estudiantes. 

Ver el Reporte Anual aquí

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Our Campaign Goals

Raise $1,750 per student 
We understand that a $1,750 contribution isn’t feasible for everyone; however, some families may be able to give more. Consider helping bridge the gap for others!

50% Participation by School Families 
We need half of our school families to donate to achieve our goal. Every donation, big or small, makes a difference.

Keep Pace With the Rising Costs of a High-Quality Education 
• Maintain current academic programming
• Grow the elective offering
• Sustain 3 additional counselors:
2 College Counselors
1 Guidance Counselor
• Continue the College Access Program and the Mental Health Center

Woodside High School has the advantage of being culturally, socioeconomically, and academically diverse.  

We are proud that 95% of our graduates go on to college, which speaks to the high-quality education provided by our dedicated teachers and staff to all students. The additional programs funded by the Foundation cater to our community’s varied learning needs and would be impossible without generous donations from families and the community.

Donation Distribution 2024-2025

View our Annual Report here

2024-2025 Executive Board 


Elizabeth Albanese
Marlene Sloger

Katherine Gilpin
Past President

Sarah Vincenzo

Amy Elliott

Aimee Blum
Karen Brux
Doug Caldwell
Stephanie Chen
Anya Chernykh-Hodges
Hilary Duwe
Karyn Ellis
Gaja Frampton
Maisie Fung
Serena Hanes
Jay Hartman
Grace Holty
Mary Hussey
Liz Isom
Andrea Jones
Melissa Land

Kristine Lange
Renee Martindale
Megan Maxwell-Bey
Debbie Moore
Veronica Spencer Palmer
Dennis Payne
Sherry Prescott-Willis
Anne Boyd Rabkin
Cindi Rutter
Isela Scott
Susan Silberman
Leslie Stafford
Meena Tahiliani
Angie Tinson
Lori Burrows Warren
Rhea Yauch
Christine Ying


Karen van Putten
WHS Principal   

Donna Hall 

Your donation helps our WHS students thrive and is tax deductible.